The Lion Effect

The Lion Effect is a multifaceted organization built on the use and deployment of words, and the knowledge of their power.

Singer, dancer, model, poet, pastor, rapper, senator... EVERYBODY will need to be verbally represented - and in a long range fashion so that followers/fans/supporters stay interested in who you are and what you are about.

Your Life...
Your Dreams...
Our Words...


WHAT is it we do exactly?


  • Our specialty is writing biographies for anybody in need - artists, photographers, pastors, etc
  • We can edit any written work you may want reviewed
  • We will write an autobiography for you in book format
  • Got something special that you want to say?  We can help you say it
  • We do poem writing/songwriting for every occasion
  • You want to say something special on a card?  We can help with that.

That's a short summary of some of the services we offer...

However, the beautiful part of The Lion Effect is its LIMITLESSNESS!!  If you have a written/verbal need not listed - submit it!!  We can help you!!  Words are our business. 

Send us an email at: